Yellow lupine Opal

Show other variants Opal is a traditional variety intended for growing for grain and feedstock. It is a plant which is very resistant plant to canker, a dangerous infectious disease caused by fungi of the genus Glomerella cingulata. In the 2022-2023 COBORU studies, the resistance of this variety was rated above 8 on a 9-point […]
White lupine Kulig

Show other variants Special features of white lupine Kulig High and stable yield level confirmed in registration trials – 111% of the COBORU standard. Very good fodder qualities – high protein level, high crude fat content in seeds and low alkaloid content. Other information An early variety with a traditional growth type. Very high protein […]
Blue lupine Pogo

Show other variants Special features of blue lupine Pogo An excellent fodder variety with ideal nutritional values and very good quality parameters (high protein level, very sweet). Early variety. Low TSW, which reduces seeding costs. Other information The latest variety of blue lupine, registered in 2023. It flowers blue and has gray spotted seeds. Very high […]
Yellow lupine Mister

Show other variants Special features of yellow lupine Mister The highest seed crude fat content on the market. The most uniformly maturing variety. Special features of yellow lupine Mister Medium height, mid flowering and maturity date plants. Dark yellow flowers and spotted seeds. Very low percentage of green plants before harvest. Excellent, uniform maturation for […]
Yellow lupine Baryt

Show other variants Special features of yellow lupine Baryt Very good quality parameters – high protein content, low alkaloid level, high crude fat content. Lowest crude fiber content. Low TSW. Other information Medium-height plants with a mid flowering and ripening date. Yellow flowers, seeds with a characteristic „smile”. Very high yield potential (up to 110% […]
Yellow lupine Bursztyn

Show other variants Special features of yellow lupine Bursztyn Highest seed protein content. Highest resistance to lodging after flowering. Highest resistance to anthracnose at pod formation stage. Other information Medium height, early flowering and maturing plants. Orange-yellow flowers and white-black spotted seeds. Variety with high tolerance to drought stress, which ensures safety of cultivation. Very […]
Yellow lupine Goldeneye

Show other variants Special features of yellow lupine Goldeneye High disease resistance. One of the sweetest varieties on the market. Other information Medium height plants, with early flowering, midearly maturity dates. Yellow flowers, spotted black and white seeds. Very high yield potential (up to 112% of the pattern in COBORU testing). Seeds with low TSW – […]
Yellow lupine Diament

Show other variants Special features of blue lupine Diament Sweetest variety on the market – lowest alkaloid content. High nutritional value (high protein yield). Other information Medium height plants, with early flowering, midearly maturity dates. Orange-yellow flowers and white seeds. Very high yield potential – 105% of the pattern in 2021. Very high nutritional value, […]
Blue lupine Salsa

Show other variants Special features of blue lupine Salsa Very high drought resistance – excellent tolerance to seasonal water shortages and stable yields even under drought stress. Low TSW, fine seeds. Very sweet variety – one of the lowest alkaloid contents. Other information A variety with a traditional branching growth type. Medium height plants, with […]
Blue lupine Sonet

Show other variants Special feautures of blue lupine Sonet Earliest variety, fast ripening, flexible sowing date. A self-determinated type that hardly ever branches, blooms shorter and more evenly than traditional type forms. Lowest plants, with high lodging resistance. Other information Blue flowers and multicolored seeds. The most sought-after blue lupin variety on the market, known […]