Products Winter Grains Winter wheat Tulecka

Special features of winter wheat Tulecka
- The grain has a characteristic near-white color. The flour produced is high yielding and exceptionally bright white color, so much sought after by the baking industry.
- High resistance to variable soil and climate conditions – high tolerance to soil acidification and medium site requirements.
Other information
- Stable and high yielding under variable weather conditions.
- Confirmed high tolerance to drought.
- Medium-high, very lodging resistant plants.
- A quality cultivar with a mid-late earing date and a mid maturity date.
- High TGW.
- A cultivar with a white grain color.
- Very high resistance to ear fusariosis.

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Utality and agricultural features
Type of variety
Earing date
Full maturity date
Plant height
97 cm
Winter hardiness
Resistance to lodging
7,8 very high
Soil requirements
Tolerance to soil acidity
44,8 g
Tolerance to soil acidity
300-400 pcs
Disease resistance according to Coboru:
Snow mold
no data
Powdery mildew
7,3 medium
Stem base diseases
7,4 high
Brown rust
6,9 good
Stripe rust
7,8 high
7,6 high
Leaf septoria
6,7 high
Chaff septoria
6,9 medium
Ear fusariosis
8,3 very high