Serradella Igela

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Special features of serradella Igela

• Has the ability to take up nitrogen from the atmosphere using nodule bacteria – it leaves about 50 kg of N/ha in the soil in crop residues.
• High nutritive value of forage and hay – rich in protein, fat, calcium and potassium.

Other information

  • Has a semi-radial growth type, and the plants produce a large number of lateral branches.
  • A medium-high variety; it has many light green, elliptical leaves.
  • To be grown in the main crop for seed harvesting or as an extremely valuable catch crop as an inseed or stubble catch crop.
  • Resprouts well after cutting (yields two windrows with high protein content under favorable conditions).
  • Mid-to-late flowering date, and mid maturity date.
  • Mid growing season of about 135 days.
  • Pink-colored flowers, the number of flowers in an inflorescence – five to seven.
  • Long, wide, curved pods with a large number of segments: 5-7.
  • High seed yield potential of 0.8 to 1.5 tons; it has consistency in seed yield.Suitable for organic production.
  • Used to create post-harvest mixtures, forbexample, with oats.
  • Withstands ground frosts down to -5°C.
  • Can be considered as a mellifluous crop.

Agrotechniczne warunki uprawy

SiewSeradelę na nasiona wysiewa się w 3–4 roku po oborniku, w ilości 20–30 kg/ha, w rzędach co 12,5–15 cm pod koniec marca lub na początku kwietnia.
NawożenieNawozy fosforowo-potasowe stosuje się przedsiewnie, na wiosnę, w zależności od zasobności gleby: 40–80 kg
P2O5/ha , 80–120 kg K2O/ha. Stosowanie nawozów azotowych jest zbędne.
Zbiór dwufazowyKoszenie na pokosy gdy na dolnej części rośliny większość strąków zaczyna brązowieć (około 50%), a w środkowej żółknąć. Nie należy czekać na zakończenie kwitnienia w górnej części. Koszenie na pokosy trzeba przeprowadzić „po rosie” czyli wieczorem lub wcześnie rano, co zapobiega osypywaniu nasion. Wyschnięte pokosy należy omłócić kombajnem.
Zbiór jednofazowyPolega na desykacji plantacji (suszenie chemiczne) i omłocie kombajnem z pnia. Uzyskany materiał należy dosuszyć do wilgotności 14% i wyczyścić. Plon seradeli wahają się od 0,6 do 1,0 t/ha.

Seed quantity calculator


0 kg/ha

The sowing amount is calculated according to the formula:

(MTZ/MTN x casting) / the power of germination = the sowing amount in kg/ha

Casting - number of plants per area unit (pcs./m2)

MTZ - Thousand Grains Weight (g)

MTN - Thousand Seeds Weight (g)

The power of germination - determined for certified MINIMUM seeds (80% for triticale).


SowingSerradella for seeds is sown 3-4 years after the manure, at the rate of 20-30 kg / ha, in rows every 12.5-15 cm at the end of March or the beginning of April.
FertilizationPhosphorus-potassium fertilizers are used before sowing, in the spring, depending on the soil fertility: 40-80 kg
P2O5/ha, 80–120 kg K2O/ha. The use of nitrogen fertilizers is unnecessary.
Two-phase setMowing for swaths when most of the pods turn brown in the lower part of the plant (about 50%), and turn yellow in the middle part. Do not wait for flowering in the upper part to finish. Mowing for swaths must be carried out “after dew”, that is in the evening or early in the morning, which prevents the seeds from shedding. Dried swaths should be threshing with the combine.
Single-phase harvestingIt consists in desiccating the plantation (chemical drying) and threshing from the trunk with a combine. The obtained material should be dried to a humidity of 14% and cleaned. The yield of serradella varies from 0.6 to 1.0 t / ha.