Products Winter Grains Winter rye Poznańskie

Special features of winter rye Poznańskie
- High health profile – high or very high full spectrum disease resistance.
- Performs excellent even on weaker sites.
Other information
- Very stable and high yield level.
- Tall plants with high lodging resistance and mid maturity date.
- Low soil requirements and good tolerance to soil acidification.
- Excellent tolerance of intermittent water shortages – strongly developed root system.
- An open-pollinated variety intended for grain and green fodder.
- Lowest TGW among all winter rye varieties.

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The most important agricultural properties
Earing date
Full maturity date
Seed protein
Plant height
160 cm
Resistance to lodging
5,6 high
Soil requirements
Tolerance to soil acidity
30,3 g
Seed density (pcs per sq.m)
280-320 pcs
Disease resistance according to Coboru:
Snow mold
7,8 very high
Powdery mildew
7,9 very high
Stem base diseases
7,4 high
Brown rust
6,6 high
Stem rust
8 very high
Scald disease
7,3 medium
Leaf septoria
6,9 good