Products Spring Grains Spring barley Wirtuoz

Special features of spring barley Wirtuoz
- Performs well in drought conditions, yielding high also in case of water shortages, which has been confirmed in register and own testing, including very dry years.
- Increased tolerance to soil acidification.
Other information
- High fertility, always above the reference, reaching up to 104% according to COBORU testing.
- Very high resistance to diseases such as powdery mildew, barley rust, dark tan spot, and net blotch and scald.
- Low plants with lodging resistance with stiff straw.
- Robust grain with a high TGW.
- Medium protein content.
- Early-ripening variety with medium soil requirements.

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Utility and agricultural features
Type of variety
Earing date
Full maturity date
Plant height
72 cm
Seed protein
Resistance to lodging
5,7 good
Soil requirements
Tolerance to soil acidity
45,3 g
Seed density (pcs per sq.m)
280-320 pcs
Disease resistance according to Coboru:
Powdery mildew
8,1 high
Net blotch
7,2 high
Barley rust
7,4 high
Scald disease
8,1 medium
Dark brown
7,3 medium