Special features of blue lupine Bolero
- Very high (the highest!) yield potential, up to 39.4 dt/ha.
- Stable and high yielding over the years.
- Coarse seeds with very good uniformity, with the highest TSW among all sweet varieties of blue lupin.
Other information
- One of the sweetest varieties with low alkaloid content.
- A traditional, branching variety.
- Multipurpose type, medium height plants, with mid flowering and maturation date.
- Blue flowers, gray seeds.
- High nutritional value due to good seed quality parameters.
- High resistance to lodging after flowering.
- Very low proportion of green plants before harvest – easier harvesting!
- Very high uniformity of ripening and increased resistance to pod cracking.
- High resistance to anthracnose at the pod formation and maturation stages.

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Utility and agriicultural features:
Type of variety
Flowers color
Plant height
55 cm
Resistance to lodging after
7,6 high
Seed protein
29,2% DM
Alkaloid content
0,018% DM
Crude fat content
6,8% DM
Crude fiber content
15,5% DM
Uniformity of ripening
Soil requirements
148 g
Seed density (pcs per sq.m)
90-100 pcs
Disease resistance according to Coboru:
Fusarium wilt of lupins
7,1 very high
Anthracnose – pod formation
8,3 high
Anthracnose – pod ripening
7,8 high