tolerancyjność na jakość


A low-growing, perennial grass that stands out for its strong root system and low soil and water requirements. It is
one of the basic components of pasture mixtures for weaker soils and periodically dry soils. A versatile variety, such
as Barma, can be successfully used in lawn mixtures and shows great suitability for establishing ornamental-park
lawns and sodding.

• Low requirements.
• Drought resistance.

Cultivation for seed

Red fescue for seed collection should be grown in areas with lower rainfall, on soils of class IIIb-IVb. Seed plantations should be established in well weeded-out fields. When growing for seed, it is advisable to sow red fescue in early spring into spring barley, with a reduced seed rate. Sow the cover crop first. Then sow grass seeds across the rows at a depth of 1.5 cm. The recommended sowing rate for red fescue is 10-12 kg/ha. In each harvest year, phosphorus 100-120 kg/ha P2O5 and potassium 100-120 kg/ha K2O should be supplied, as well as nitrogen in doses of 30-50
kg/ha in early spring and 40-60 kg/ha after the seed (or cover crop) is harvested, since flower shoots have already set by then.

Cultivation for green manure

Red fescue can be grown in pure sowing or as an undersowing e.g. in spring barley. When cultivated in pure sowing, mineral fertilizers are applied pre-sowing at a dose per hectare of about 40-50 kg N, 60-90 kg P2O5 and 80-120 kg K2O. When sowing as a undersown crop, phosphorus-potassium fertilization under barley should be increased by about 40%. In years of full use, phosphorus fertilizers at 80-100 kg P2O5 per hectare are sown in spring, while nitrogen and potassium should be applied under each crop at doses of 40-60 kg N and 40-50 kg K2O.
In an ensemble of pre-sowing crops, strive for thorough weed control and field leveling. When cultivating in pure sowing, sow 12-15 kg of seed per hectare, while approx. 15-20 kg/ha should be sown in a cover crop.



A fodder variety, intended for hay and forage use. Anielka is a synthetic variety developed from winter-hardy clones with very good persistence, good tillering and strong sod formation. Anielka is a mid-early variety with good persistence and winter hardiness, with a high degree of drought tolerance. It gives high yields of fresh and dry matter throughout its life. It has good plant resprouting rates both in spring and after successive mowings. Plants are tall, prone to lodging in the first windrow during heavy rainfall. It also demonstrates good reproductive ability. The variety has relatively low soil requirements and medium agrotechnical requirements.

Feature (Anielka):

Hay, pastureland
Green manure crops (dt/ha)
Dry matter yield (dt/ha)
Seed yield (dt/ha)
Seed protein (% DM)
Fiber content (% DM)
Digestibility (% DM) (% DM)


A fodder grass designed for hay meadow and fodder use. Anitawa is a mid-early variety with good resistance to drought conditions and good winter hardiness. It stands out for its high sward density. Anitawa combines high feed yield potential with high reproductive capacity. This grass has low soil requirements and medium agrotechnical requirements. Anitawa is a variety successfully used in greening of road infrastructure; it shows resistance to abiotic stress.

Feature (Anitawa):

Hay, pastureland
Green manure crops (dt/ha)
Dry matter yield (dt/ha)
Seed yield (dt/ha)
Seed protein (% DM)
Fiber content (% DM)
Digestibility (% DM) (% DM)


Fodder grass, intended for fodder use, with a very high overall aspect as a lawn grass. Barma is a mid-early, durable variety with good winter hardiness, and stands out for its high sward density. The variety is highly tolerant to drought conditions. It gives good yields of fresh and dry matter in all years of use. It sports a good yield distribution during the growing season. It gives a high yield of forage energy. It has a good resprouting rate both in the spring and after windrows. The variety stands out for its very good reproductive ability. It exhibits low soil and agrotechnical requirements.

Feature (Barma):

Hay, pastureland, amenity
Green manure crops (dt/ha)
Dry matter yield (dt/ha)
Seed yield (dt/ha)
Seed protein (% DM)
no data
Fiber content (% DM)
no data
Digestibility (% DM) (% DM)
no data
TSW (g)


A mid-early variety, recommended for hay meadow, and fodder use. A durable and drought-tolerant grass. It stands out for its high yield potential, fast resprouting and good sward density.

Feature (Matylda):

Hay-meadow, pastureland
Green manure crops (dt/ha)
Dry matter yield (dt/ha)
Seed yield (dt/ha)
Seed protein (% DM)
Fiber content (% DM)
Digestibility (% DM) (% DM

Agrotechniczne warunki uprawy

Uprawa na nasionaKostrzewa czerwona na zbiór nasion powinna być uprawiana w rejonach o niższych opadach, na glebach klasy IIIb– IVb. Plantacje nasienne należy zakładać na polach dobrze odchwaszczonych. Przy uprawie na nasiona zalecane jest wysiewać kostrzewę czerwoną wczesną wiosną w jęczmień jary, o zmniejszonej ilości wysiewu ziarna. Siew rośliny ochronnej dokonujemy w pierwszej kolejności. Następnie w poprzek rzędów wysiewane są nasiona trawy na głębokość 1,5 cm. Zalecana ilość siewu dla kostrzewy czerwonej wynosi 10–12 kg/ha. W każdym roku zbioru należy dostarczyć fosfor 100–120 kg/ha P2O5 i potas 100–120 kg/ha K2O oraz azot w dawkach 30–50 kg/ha wczesną wiosną i 40–60 kg/ha po zbiorze nasion (albo rośliny ochronnej), gdyż już wtedy zawiązują się pędy kwiatowe.
Uprawa na zieloną masęKostrzewę czerwoną można uprawiać w siewie czystym albo jako wsiewkę np. w jęczmień jary. Przy uprawie w siewie czystym stosuje się przedsiewnie nawozy mineralne w dawce na 1 ha około 40–50 kg N, 60–90 kg P2O5 i 80–120 kg K2O. Wysiewając jako wsiewkę należy zwiększyć nawożenie fosforowo-potasowe pod jęczmień o około 40%. W latach pełnego użytkowania nawozy fosforowe w ilości 80–100 kg P2O5 na ha wysiewamy wiosną, natomiast azot i potas należy zastosować pod każdy zbiór w dawkach 40–60 kg N i 40–50 kg K2O. W zespole upraw przedsiewnych należy dążyć do dobrego odchwaszczenia i wyrównania pola. Przy uprawie w siewie czystym należy wysiewać 12–15 kg nasion na ha, natomiast w roślinę ochronną około 15–20 kg. W roku pełnego użytkowania dokonujemy 3–4 zbiorów zielonej masy.

Seed quantity calculator


0 kg/ha

The sowing amount is calculated according to the formula:

(MTZ/MTN x casting) / the power of germination = the sowing amount in kg/ha

Casting - number of plants per area unit (pcs./m2)

MTZ - Thousand Grains Weight (g)

MTN - Thousand Seeds Weight (g)

The power of germination - determined for certified MINIMUM seeds (80% for triticale).


Cultivation for seedsRed fescue for seeds should be cultivated in regions with lower rainfall, on soils of class IIIb-IVb. Seed plantations should be established in well-weeded fields. When cultivated for seeds, it is recommended to sow red fescue in early spring on spring barley with a reduced planting rate. We sow the cover crop first. Then, across the rows, grass seeds are sown to a depth of 1.5 cm. The recommended planting rate for red fescue is 10-12 kg/ha. Each harvesting year you should provide Phosphorus 100-120 kg/ha P2O5 and Potassium 100-120 kg/ha K2O and nitrogen in doses of 30-50 kg/ha in early spring and 40-60 kg/ha aft er harvesting the seeds (or cover crop), because already then the bud formation begins.
Cultivation for green massRed fescue can be grown in pure sowing or as undersown, for example in spring barley. When grown in pure sowing, pre-sowing mineral fertilizers are applied in a dose per 1 ha of about 40–50 kg N, 60–90 kg P2O5 and 80–120 kg K2O. When sowing as undersown, the phosphorus-potassium fertilization for barley should be increased by about 40%. In the years of full use, phosphorus fertilizers in the amount of 80–100 kg P2O5 per ha are sown in spring, while nitrogen and potassium should be used for each harvest in doses of 40–60 kg N and 40–50 kg K2O. In the group of pre-sowing crops, good weed control and leveling of the field should be achieved. When grown in pure sowing, 12–15 kg of seeds per ha should be sown, and in the case of a protective plant – about 15–20 kg. In the year of full use, we harvest 3-4 times the green mass.