Perennial Ryegrass

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Perennial ryegrass is a perennial fodder grass, low and tufted. Ideal for meadow and pasture mixtures. It is one of the most valuable pasture grasses due to its very good feed value and palatability. Aggressive, fast resprouting, resistant to trampling. It is sensitive to summer droughts and cold winters. For perennial ryegrass, dry matter digestibility is approx. 78%, protein content: approx. 16% in d.m., sugar content 12.5%. It is useful for growing in pure sowing or in mixtures with red clover and alfalfa, for harvesting green fodder, hay, hay-silage and as a catch crop.

Cultivation for seed

Yields well on fertile soils with regulated water relations and in good culture. Optimal pH: 6-6.5. For the establishment of a seed plantation, best choose a site after early legumes and rapeseed, early varieties of edible potatoes. The field should be free of couch grass. Recommended sowing from August 25 to September 15 – you do not lose a year to prepare the plantation for seed planning. Possible spring sowing with a companion crop (early varieties of barley and spring wheat). The seeding rate in pure sowing is 15 kg/ha. Sowing with a companion crop is, for example, 70-90 kg/ ha of spring barley and 90-100 kg/ha of spring wheat + 15 kg/ha of grass. Row spacing is 12.5 cm and sowing depth is 1-1.5 cm. Harvest for seed in late July.

Cultivation for green manure

Before sowing, phosphorus (P2O5) and potassium (K2O) fertilization at 100 -120 kg/ha each and nitrogen fertilization at 60 kg/ha are recommended. During use before the start of vegetation, additionally P2O5 and kjo at 80-120 kg/ha and nitrogen N – 60-100 kg/ha. After each grazing: N – 60-80 kg/ha. Seed plantations: pre-sowing fertilization as for green fodder. During use, a single full fertilization in the spring. NPK doses as before sowing. In cultivation for green fodder: sowing date is arbitrary from the end of April to mid-September. Sowing rate: 15 kg/ha or in mixtures of 15 kg + 3-5 kg of white clover, row spacing: 12.5 cm, sowing depth: 1-1.5 cm. The optimal date for the first grazing from May
2 to 15. By fall: 6-7 grazings. In haying use, the first windrow on approx. June 8. By fall: four windrows. In fodder use, it is necessary to maintain the continuity of grazing or mowing, as well as to cutting of uneaten herbage and removing molehills with a plough. In case of heavy weed infestation, typical herbicides can be applied according to IOR recommendations. In newly established seed plantations and pastures, follow frequent mowing. Herbicides can be applied only after 7 leaves have been produced



A mid-early tetraploid of perennial ryegrass, recommended for hay meadow and fodder use. It stands out for its high feeding value and high seed yield (15-20 dt/ha).

Feature (Artemis):

Hay, meadow, pastureland
Green manure crops (dt/ha)
Dry matter yield (dt/ha)
Seed yield (dt/ha)
Seed protein (% DM)
Seed protein (% DM)
Digestibility (% DM) (% DM)
Forage energy yield (cp/ha)
very good


A tetraploid, mid-early variety recommended for hay meadow and fodder use. Medium-tall plants (about 78 cm), resistant to frost and drought. Green manure crops – approx. 1120 dt/ha. Dry matter yield – approx. 200 dt/ha. Dry matter digestibility – approx. 76%. Protein content in dry matter – approx. 14.5%. Sugar content in dry matter – approx. 11.8%. Very palatable. Eagerly eaten in the pasture. Recommended sowing rate on seed plantations – approx. 20 kg/ha.

Feature (Maja):

Hay, meadow, pastureland
Green manure crops (dt/ha)
Dry matter yield (dt/ha)
Seed yield (dt/ha)
Seed protein (% DM)
Fiber content (% DM)
Digestibility (% DM)
Forage energy yield (cp/ha)


A mid-early tetraploid perennial ryegrass, recommended for hay meadow and fodder use.

Feature (Malowana):

Hay, meadow, pastureland
Green manure crops (dt/ha)
Dry matter yield (dt/ha
Seed yield (dt/ha)
Seed protein (% DM)
Seed protein (% DM)
Digestibility (% DM)
Forage energy yield (cp/ha)
very good
Forage energy yield (cp/ha)


A diploid, mid-early grass suitable for pasture, hay meadow and hay field use. An early variety, it resprouts well in spring and after mowing, produces a lot of generative shoots, stands out in subsequent years of use with good sod formation, gives a high and faithful seed yield, winter hardiness good, resistant to diseases and lodging. It has some lawn grass characteristics, making it useful in lawn mixtures

Feature (Naki):

Hay, meadow, pastureland
Green manure crops (dt/ha)
Dry matter yield (dt/ha
Seed yield (dt/ha)
Seed protein (% DM)
Fiber content (% DM)
Digestibility (% DM)
Forage energy yield (cp/ha)

Agrotechniczne warunki uprawy

Uprawa na nasionaDobrze plonuje na glebach żyznych o uregulowanych stosunkach wodnych i w dobrej kulturze. Optymalne pH 6–6,5. Do założenia plantacji nasiennej najlepsze stanowisko po wcześnie schodzących z pola strączkowych i rzepaku, wczesnych odmianach ziemniaków jadalnych. Pole powinno być wolne od perzu. Zalecany wysiew w terminie od 25 sierpnia do 15 września – nie traci się roku na przygotowanie plantacji do planowania nasiennego. Możliwy siew wiosenny z rośliną towarzyszącą (wczesne odmiany jęczmienia i pszenicy jarej). Ilość wysiewu w siewie czystym to 15 kg/ha. Siew z rośliną towarzyszącą to np. 70–90 kg/ha jęczmienia jarego i 90–100 kg/ha pszenicy jarej + 15 kg/ha trawy. Rozstawa rzędów 12,5 cm i głębokość siewu 1–1,5 cm.
Uprawa na zieloną masęPrzed siewem zaleca się nawożenie fosforowe (P2O5) i potasowe (K2O) po 100 –120 kg/ha oraz nawożenie azotowe w ilości 60 kg/ha. W trakcie użytkowania przed ruszeniem wegetacji dodatkowo P2O5 i K2O w ilościach 80–120 kg/ha oraz azot N – 60–100 kg/ha. Po każdym wypasie N 60–80 kg/ha Plantacje nasienne: nawożenie przedsiewne jak przy uprawie na zielonkę.
 W trakcie użytkowania jednorazowe pełne nawożenie wiosną. Dawki NPK jak przed siewem. W uprawie na zielonkę: termin siewu dowolny w okresie od końca kwietnia do połowy września. Ilość wysiewu: 15 kg/ha lub w mieszankach 15 kg + 3–5 kg koniczyny białej, rozstawa rzędów 12,5 cm, głębokość siewu: 1–1,5 cm. Optymalny termin pierwszego wypasu od 2 do 15 maja. Do jesieni 6–7 wypasów. W użytkowaniu kośnym pierwszy pokos około 8 czerwca. Do jesieni cztery pokosy. Zbiór na nasiona pod koniec lipca. W użytkowaniu pastwiskowym konieczne jest utrzymanie ciągłości spasania lub wykaszania oraz wykaszanie niedojadów, usuwanie kretowin włóką. W przypadku silnego zachwaszczenia można stosować typowe herbicydy zgodnie z zaleceniami IOR. Na nowo założonych plantacjach nasiennych i pastwiskach stosować częste przykaszanie. Herbicydy można stosować dopiero po wytworzeniu 7 liści.

Seed quantity calculator


0 kg/ha

The sowing amount is calculated according to the formula:

(MTZ/MTN x casting) / the power of germination = the sowing amount in kg/ha

Casting - number of plants per area unit (pcs./m2)

MTZ - Thousand Grains Weight (g)

MTN - Thousand Seeds Weight (g)

The power of germination - determined for certified MINIMUM seeds (80% for triticale).


Cultivation for seedsIt yields well on fertile soils with regulated water conditions and in good culture. Optimal pH 6-6.5. To establish a seed plantati on, the best growing site is aft er early legumes and rapeseed, early varieties of edible potatoes. The field should be free from couch. Recommended seeding date is from 25 August to 15 September – no year is lost to prepare the plantation for seed planning. Possible spring seeding with an accompanying plant (early barley and spring wheat varieties). The sowing rate in pure stand is 15 kg/ha. Seeding with an accompanying plant is e.g. 70-90 kg/ha of spring barley and 90-100 kg/ha of spring wheat + 15 kg/ha grass. Row spacing 12.5 cm and seeding depth 1-1.5 cm
Cultivation for green massBefore sowing, it is recommended to use phosphorus (P2O5) and potassium (K2O) fertilization at 100–120 kg / ha and nitrogen fertilization at 60 kg / ha. During use, before starting vegetation, additionally P2O5and K2Oin the amounts of 80–120 kg / ha and nitrogen N – 60–100 kg / ha. After each grazing N 60–80 kg / ha. Seed plantations: pre-sowing fertilization as for green fodder.
 In use, one-time full fertilization in spring. NPK doses as before sowing. For green crops: any sowing date from the end of April to mid-September. Sowing rate: 15 kg / ha or in mixtures of 15 kg + 3-5 kg ​​of white clover, row spacing 12.5 cm, sowing depth: 1-1.5 cm. The optimal date for the first grazing is from 2 to 15 May. Until autumn, 6–7 pastures. In mowing use, the first cut is around June 8. Four swaths by autumn. Harvesting for seeds at the end of July. In pasture use, it is necessary to maintain the continuity of grazing or mowing, mowing leftovers, and removing molehills with a fiber. In the case of heavy weed infestation, typical herbicides can be used in accordance with the recommendations of the Institute of Plant Protection. Use frequent mowing on newly established seed plantations and pastures. Herbicides can only be used after 7 leaves have been produced.