Meadow Fescue



A very valuable, durable, tall, tufted forage grass. Recommended for cultivation on moist, compact soils and richly fertilized, especially with nitrogen. This species tolerates harsh winters and spring frosts well. It does well with periodic droughts and short-term flooding. It is sensitive to weeds. Meadow fescue is a species present in almost every mixture with grasses and legumes. It is ideal for both sowing meadows and permanent pastures and shortterm field use. The share of this variety in mixtures should be from 10% (dry soils) to 50% of the sown seeds.

Cultivation for seed

Meadow fescue can be grown on all soil types, except for waterlogged soils. The presence of couch grass and other nonnative grasses precludes starting a seed plantation. The most suitable sowing date is early spring (in pure sowing). It can be sown until the end of June. Seed sowing standard – 11 kg/ha at a row spacing of 25 cm. Before sowing, use mineral fertilization in the amount of 80-100 kg/ha P2O5 and 100-120 kg/ha K2O.

In spring, in the first and second year of use, apply phosphorus-potassium fertilization at the rate of 90 kg/ha P2O5 and 60 kg/ha K2O. The amount of nitrogen application depends on the site, soil fertility and crop year. After root crops on manure on good soils, nitrogen is usually not applied in the first year for fear of lodging. Otherwise, we apply nitrogen in the spring: 50 kg/ha in the 1st year and 60 kg/ha in the 2nd year. After seed harvest in the 1st year, we apply nitrogen at 40-50 kg/ha. Seeds should be harvested at the stage of milk-wax maturity; the harvesting date falls in early July. Two-step equipment gives the best seed value. After drying, thresh with a combine. After coupling the seeds, immediately remove the straw and do full fertilization, as generative shoots grow in the second half of July and August.

Cultivation for green manure

Meadow fescue can be grown on all soil types, except for waterlogged soils. The presence of couch grass and other non-native grasses precludes starting a seed plantation. The most suitable sowing date is early spring (in pure sowing). It can be sown until the end of June. Seed sowing standard – 11 kg/ha at a row spacing of 25 cm. Before sowing, use mineral fertilization in the amount of 80-100 kg/ha P2O5 and 100-120 kg/ha K2O. In the ensemble of pre-sowing crops, strive for thorough weed control and field leveling. When cultivating in pure sowing, sow 12-15 kg of seed per hectare, while approx. 15-20 kg/ha should be sown in a cover crop.



New early fodder grass. Designed for hay meadow use. It stands out for its very fast resprouting rate after mowing.

Feature (Amelka):

Hay-meadow, pastureland
Green manure crops (dt/ha
Dry matter yield (dt/ha)
Seed yield (dt/ha)
Seed protein (% DM)
Fiber content (% DM)
Digestibility (% DM) (% DM)
Forage energy yield (cp/ha)
very good


A new mid-early variety that combines high yield of green and dry matter with very high seed yield. Intended for hay meadow and field use. It stands out for its very fast resprouting rate after mowing and is a variety with high health and very good durability. Medium-high climatic and agrotechnical requirements, medium soil requirements.

Feature (Anturka):

Hay-meadow, pastureland
Green manure crops (dt/ha)
Dry matter yield (dt/ha)
Seed yield (dt/ha)
Seed protein (% DM)
Fiber content (% DM
Digestibility (% DM) (% DM)
Forage energy yield (cp/ha)
no data
very good


The grass is suitable for hay meadow and field use. Gerda is a mid-early variety with good resistance to drought conditions and very good resprouting after mowing. It combines high biomass yields with good reproductive ability. Medium-high climatic and agrotechnical requirements, medium soil requirements.

Feature (Gerda):

Hay-meadow, pastureland
Green manure crops (dt/ha)
Dry matter yield (dt/ha
Seed yield (dt/ha)
Seed protein (% DM
Fiber content (% DM)
Digestibility (% DM)
Forage energy yield (cp/ha)
no data


A new variety of meadow fescue. Mid-early, very healthy and prolific, both in terms of seed yield and biomass.

Feature (Tyfonka):

Hay-meadow, pastureland
Green manure crops (dt/ha)
Dry matter yield (dt/ha)
Seed yield (dt/ha)
Seed protein (% DM)
Fiber content (% DM
Digestibility (% DM)
Forage energy yield (cp/ha
no data

Agrotechniczne warunki uprawy

Uprawa na nasionaKostrzewę łąkową można uprawiać na wszystkich typach gleb, z wyjątkiem gleb podmokłych. Obecność perzu i innych obco uprawnych traw wyklucza możliwość założenia plantacji nasiennej. Najodpowiedniejszym terminem siewu jest okres wczesnowiosenny (w siewie czystym). Można ją siać do końca czerwca. Norma wysiewu nasion – 11 kg/ha w rozstawie rzędów 25 cm. Przed siewem stosujemy nawożenie mineralne w ilości 80–100 kg /ha P2O5 i 100–120 kg/ha K2O. Wiosną w I i II roku użytkowania stosujemy nawożenie fosforowo-potasowe w ilości 90 kg/ha P2O5 i 60 kg/ha K2O. Wysokość dawki azotu zależna jest od stanowiska, żyzności gleby i roku uprawy. Po okopowych na oborniku na dobrych glebach zwykle nie stosuje się azotu w pierwszym roku z obawy przed wyleganiem. W innym przypadku stosujemy azot wiosną: 50 kg/ha w I roku i 60 kg/ha w drugim roku. Po zbiorze nasion w I roku użytkowania stosujemy azot w ilości 40–50 kg/ha. Zbioru nasion należy dokonywać w fazie dojrzałości mleczno-woskowej; termin zbioru wypada z początkiem lipca. Sprzęt dwufazowy daje najlepszą wartość użytkową nasion. Po doschnięciu młócić kombajnem. Po sprzęcie nasion natychmiast usunąć słomę i dokonać pełnego nawożenia, ponieważ w drugiej połowie lipca i sierpniu wyrastają pędy generatywne.
Uprawa na zieloną masęKostrzewę łąkową można uprawiać w siewie czystym albo jako wsiewkę w zboża, np. jęczmień jary. Przy uprawie w siewie czystym stosuje się przedsiewnie nawozy mineralne w dawce na 1 ha około 30-40 kg N, 60–80 kg P2O5 i 80–120 kg K2O. Wysiewając jako wsiewkę należy zwiększyć nawożenie fosforowo-potasowe pod jęczmień o około 40%. W latach pełnego użytkowania nawozy fosforowe w ilości 80–100 kg P2O5 na ha wysiewamy wiosną, natomiast azot i potas należy zastosować pod każdy zbiór w dawkach 40–60 kg N i 40–60 kg K2O. W zespole upraw przedsiewnych należy dążyć do dobrego odchwaszczenia i wyrównania pola. Dla kostrzewy łąkowej najodpowiedniejsze są gleby o wysokiej pojemności wodnej i odpowiednio rozłożone opady. Przy uprawie w siewie czystym należy wysiewać 12-15 kg nasion na ha, natomiast w siewie z rośliną ochronną około 15–20 kg. W roku pełnego użytkowania dokonujemy 3–4 zbiorów zielonej masy.

Seed quantity calculator


0 kg/ha

The sowing amount is calculated according to the formula:

(MTZ/MTN x casting) / the power of germination = the sowing amount in kg/ha

Casting - number of plants per area unit (pcs./m2)

MTZ - Thousand Grains Weight (g)

MTN - Thousand Seeds Weight (g)

The power of germination - determined for certified MINIMUM seeds (80% for triticale).


Cultivation for seedsMeadow fescue can be grown on all soil types, except for wetland soils. The presence of couch and other foreign cultivated grasses precludes the possibility of establishing a seed plantation. The most suitable seeding date is the early spring period (in pure stand). It can be sown until the end of June. Planting rate standard – 11 kg/ha with a row spacing of 25 cm. Before seeding, apply mineral fertilization in an amount of 80-100 kg/ha P2O5 and 100-120 kg/ ha K2O. In the spring of the first and second year of use, apply phosphorus – potassium fertilization in an amount of 90 kg/ha P2O5 and 60 kg/ha K2O. The amount of nitrogen depends on the breeding site, soil fertility and year of cultivation. After root crops on manure on good soils, in the first year nitrogen is usually not used for fear of lodging. Otherwise, use nitrogen in the spring: 50 kg/ha in the first year and 60 kg/ha in the second year. After harvesting seeds in the first year of use, we use nitrogen in the amount of 40-50 kg/ha. Harvesting of seeds should be carried out at the soft dough stage; the harvesting date is the beginning of July. Two-phase equipment gives the best value of seeds. After drying, thresh with a combine. After this procedure, remove straw immediately and perform full fertilization, because in the second half of July and August generative stems grow.
Cultivation for green massMeadow fescue can be grown in pure sowing or as undersown in cereals, e.g. spring barley. In pure sowing cultivation, pre-sowing mineral fertilizers are applied at a dose of 30-40 kg N, 60-80 kg P2O5 and 80-120 kg K2O per 1 ha. When sowing as undersown, the phosphorus-potassium fertilization for barley should be increased by about 40%. During the years of full use, phosphorus fertilizers in the amount of 80–100 kg P2O5 per ha are sown in spring, while nitrogen and potassium should be used for each harvest in doses of 40–60 kg N and 40–60 kg K2O. In the group of pre-sowing crops, good weed control and leveling of the field should be achieved. For meadow fescue, soils with high water capacity and properly distributed rainfall are the most suitable. When grown in pure sowing, 12-15 kg of seeds should be sown per ha, while in sowing with a protective plant about 15-20 kg. In the year of full use, we harvest 3-4 times the green mass.