Hybrid Ryegrass

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It is a fodder grass that performs best on medium moisture soils. It has a higher persistence than perennial ryegrass. It stands out with large amounts of green manure crops and very good nutritional parameters. It succeeds best on rich sandy loam soils with a ph of 6-6.5. It responds strongly to abundant mineral fertilization and irrigation. Site: best after legumes and root crops. However, it yields after all crops. In field cultivation, it can be used for 2-3 years. It is useful for growing in pure sowing or in mixtures with red clover and alfalfa, for harvesting forage, hay, hay-silage and as a catch crop.

Cultivation for seed

When growing for seed, sowing should be done between August 25 and September 15 at a rate of 10-25 kg/ha. Earlier sowing guarantees a higher yield. Row spacing for seed cultivation is 12.5 cm with a sowing depth of 1.5 cm. It requires fertile, well-maintained soils with regulated water relations. Fertilization before sowing at 100-140 kg/ha P2O5 and 110-150 kg/ha K2O. Nitrogen fertilization at the level of 70-90 kg/ha after windrows 90 kg/ha. In cultivation for seed: harvest date in the second decade of July. Seed yield: 15-25 dt/ha. Recommended one-step
harvesting with a combine from the trunk and repeated threshing of dried windrows, or in two steps – mowing with a windrow mower and threshing with a combine after the windrows have dried. In favorable conditions, it is possible to harvest seeds twice. Harvest for seed in late July or early August.

Cultivation for green manure

Before sowing, phosphorus (P2O5) and potassium (K2O) fertilization is recommended at 100-120 kg/ha and nitrogen
fertilization 60 kg, respectively. During the years of use before the start of vegetation additionally: P2O5 and K2O – 80-120 and N – 60-100 kg/ha. After each grazing or windrow: 60-100 kg/ha. Seed plantations: pre-sowing fertilization as in the cultivation for green fodder. During subsequent years of plantation use, a single full fertilization in the spring. PK doses as before sowing N – 60-100 kg/ha. In cultivation for green fodder: sowing date arbitrary in the period from late April to mid-September. Sowing rate: 30-35 kg/ha or in mixtures 30 kg + 5-7 kg of red clover
(mix the seeds thoroughly before sowing), row spacing: 12.5 cm, sowing depth: 1-1.5 cm. The optimal date for the first grazing from May 2 to 15. By the fall, 6-7 grazings are possible. In haying use, the first windrow on approx. June 8. By the fall, four windrows are possible. In fodder use, it is necessary to maintain the continuity of grazing or mowing, as well as to cutting of uneaten herbage and removing molehills with a plough. In case of heavy weed infestation, typical herbicides can be applied according to IOR recommendations. In newly established seed plantations and pastures, follow frequent mowing. Herbicides can be applied only after 7 leaves have been produced.



A late tetraploid variety in the perennial ryegrass type (up to 5 years of use) with high resprouting vigor. Recommended for hay and field use. It stands out for its good persistence, high yield of green manure crops and dry matter throughout its life and fast resprouting after windrows; winter hardy, disease and lodging resistant. Suitable for cultivation in pure sowing or in mixtures with clover and alfalfa, for harvesting green fodder, hay, silage hay and as a catch crop.

Feature (Mańka):

Hay, meadow, pastureland
Green manure crops (dt/ha)
Dry matter yield (dt/ha)
Seed yield (dt/ha)
Seed protein (% DM)
Fiber content (% DM)
Digestibility (% DM)
Forage energy yield (cp/ha
very good


A mid-early tetraploid grass. A hybrid of perennial and perennial ryegrass (up to 3 years of use) with high winter hardiness and resistance to drought and lodging. Suitable for hay and field use. “Nadzieja” has a high yield of green and dry matter throughout its life and a fast resprouting rate after windrows. Seed yield as high as 25 dt/ha.

Feature (Nadzieja):

Hay, meadow
Hay, meadow
Green manure crops (dt/ha
Dry matter yield (dt/ha)
Seed yield (dt/ha)
Seed protein (% DM)
Fiber content (% DM)
Digestibility (% DM)
Forage energy yield (cp/ha)

Agrotechniczne warunki uprawy

Uprawa na nasionaPrzy uprawie na nasiona, siew należy wykonać w okresie od 25 sierpnia do 15 września w ilości 10–25 kg/ha. Wcześniejszy siew gwarantuje wyższy plon. Rozstaw rzędów przy uprawie nasiennej to 12,5 cm przy głębokości siewu wynoszącej 1,5 cm. Wymaga gleb żyznych, utrzymanych w dobrej kulturze, o uregulowanych stosunkach wodnych. Nawożenie przed siewem na poziomie 100–140 kg/ha P2O5 oraz 110–150 kg/ha K2O. Nawożenie azotowe na poziomie 70–90 kg/ha po pokosach 90 kg/ha. W uprawie na nasiona: termin zbioru w drugiej dekadzie lipca. Plon nasion 15–25 dt/ha. Zalecany zbiór jednofazowy kombajnem z pnia i ponowny omłot przeschniętych pokosów lub dwufazowo – koszenie kosiarką pokosową i omłot kombajnem po przeschnięciu pokosów. W sprzyjających warunkach możliwy dwukrotny zbiór nasion.
Uprawa na zieloną masęPrzed siewem zaleca się nawożenie fosforowe (P2O5) i potasowe (K2O) odpowiednio po 100–120 kg/ha oraz nawożenie azotowe 60 kg. W trakcie lat użytkowania przed ruszeniem wegetacji dodatkowo: P2O5 i K2O 80–120 oraz N 60–100 kg/ha. Po każdym wypasie lub pokosie 60–100 kg/ha. Plantacje nasienne: nawożenie przedsiewne jak przy uprawie na zielonkę. W trakcie kolejnych lat użytkowania plantacji jednorazowe pełne nawożenie wiosną. Dawki PK jak przed siewem N – 60–100 kg/ha. W uprawie na zielonkę: termin siewu dowolny w okresie od końca kwietnia do połowy września. Ilość wysiewu 30–35 kg/ha lub w mieszankach 30 kg + 5–7 kg koniczyny czerwonej (nasiona dokładnie wymieszać przed siewem), rozstawa rzędów 12,5 cm, głębokość siewu 1–1,5 cm. Optymalny termin pierwszego wypasu od 2 do 15 maja. Do jesieni możliwe 6–7 wypasów. W użytkowaniu kośnym pierwszy pokos około 8 czerwca. Do jesieni możliwy zbiór czterech pokosów. Zbiór na nasiona pod koniec lipca lub na początku sierpnia. W użytkowaniu pastwiskowym, kośnym lub przemiennym konieczne jest utrzymanie ciągłości spasania lub koszenia oraz wykaszania niedojadów, usuwanie kretowin włóką. Po pojawieniu się zachwaszczenia można stosować herbicydy zgodnie z zaleceniami IOR. Na nowo założonych plantacjach nasiennych i użytkach zielonych stosować przykaszanie lub wypasanie (użytki zielone) przed zimą. Herbicydy można stosować dopiero po wytworzeniu 7 liści.

Seed quantity calculator


0 kg/ha

The sowing amount is calculated according to the formula:

(MTZ/MTN x casting) / the power of germination = the sowing amount in kg/ha

Casting - number of plants per area unit (pcs./m2)

MTZ - Thousand Grains Weight (g)

MTN - Thousand Seeds Weight (g)

The power of germination - determined for certified MINIMUM seeds (80% for triticale).


Cultivation for seedsWhen cultivated for seeds, seeding should be carried out from August 25 to September 15 in the amount of 10-25 kg/ha. Earlier seeding guarantees a higher yield. The row spacing for seed cultivation is 12.5 cm with a seeding depth of 1.5 cm. It requires fertile soil, maintained in good culture, with regulated water relations. Before seeding, apply mineral fertilization in an amount of 100-140 kg/ha P2O5and 110-150 kg/ha K2O. Nitrogen fertilization at 70-90 kg/ha after swaths 90 kg/ha. For seed cultivation: harvest date in the second decade of July. Seed yield 15-25 dt/ ha. Recommended singlephase harvesting with a combine harvester and re-threshing of dried swaths or two-phase mowing with a swath mower and threshing with a combine after drying swaths. Under favourable conditions, double seed harvesting is possible.
Cultivation for green massBefore sowing, it is recommended to fertilize with phosphorus (P2O5) and potassium (K2O) at 100–120 kg / ha, respectively, and nitrogen fertilization with 60 kg. During the years of use, before starting vegetation, additionally: P2O5 and K2O80–120 and N 60–100 kg / ha. 60–100 kg / ha after each grazing or mowing. Seed plantations: pre-sowing fertilization as for green fodder. During the following years of using the plantation, one-time full fertilization in spring. PK doses as before sowing N – 60–100 kg / ha. For green crops: any sowing date from the end of April to mid-September. Sowing rate 30–35 kg / ha or in mixtures 30 kg + 5–7 kg of red clover (the seeds should be thoroughly mixed before sowing), row spacing 12.5 cm, sowing depth 1-1.5 cm. The optimal date for the first grazing is from 2 to 15 May. Until autumn, 6–7 pastures are possible. In mowing use, the first cut is around June 8. Four swaths can be harvested until autumn. Harvesting for seeds in late July or early August. In pasture, mowing or alternating use, it is necessary to maintain grazing or mowing continuity and mowing leftovers, and to remove molehills with a fiber. After the emergence of weed infestation, herbicides can be used in accordance with the recommendations of the Institute of Plant Protection. Use mowing or grazing (grassland) before winter on newly established seed plantations and grasslands. Herbicides can only be used after 7 leaves have been produced.