Products Winter Grains Winter wheat Legenda

Special features of winter wheat Legenda
- Very tall plants (the tallest variety) yielding a lot of straw and grain – a variety very suitable for livestock farms.
- Excellent winter hardiness (6), the highest in COBORU tests, ensuring crop safety.
- Highest resistance to ear fusariosis.
Special features of winter wheat Legenda
- Insensitive to delayed sowing date – successfully sown even in November.
- Ideal for cultivation after beets and corn.
- High tolerance to soil acidification and low site requirements.
- Mid-to-late earing and maturity dates.
- High and stable yield potential, up to 108% of the reference.
- Medium resistance to lodging.
- High resistance to all wheat diseases, especially high to brown leaf spot and septoria nodorum blotch.
- Well-uniform, robust grain, with a high TGW, very high falling number and high hectoliter weight.

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Utility and agricultural features
Type of variety
Earing date
Full maturity date
Plant height
118 cm
Winter hardiness
Resistance to lodging
6,3 medium
Soil requirements
Tolerance to soil acidity
45,4 g
Seed density (pcs per sq.m)
350-450 pcs
Disease resistance according to Coboru:
Snow mold
no data
Powdery mildew
7,8 very high
Stem base diseases
7,4 high
Brown rust
7,6 high
Stripe rust
7 medium
8 very high
Leaf septoria
6,7 high
Chaff septoria
7,9 very high
Ear fusariosis
9 very high