Products Winter Grains Winter wheat Essa

Special features of winter wheat Essa
- The quality variety with the best yields in Poland!
- High tolerance to drought conditions.
- Very good tillering and high number of lateral shoots.
Other information
- Yield stability and repeatability at both agrotechnical levels throughout the country (in the 2022/2023 season – 108% of the standard according to COBORU, at both levels).
- Almost all grain quality parameters are at the level of quality groups E and A.
- Medium-early variety.
- The plants are of medium height, with stiff straw, growth regulators are recommended for high yields.
- Very high health profile.
- Genetic resistance to brown rust.
- Very high winter hardiness.
- High yield under various environmental and climate conditions, also confirmed under drought conditions.
- In our own experiments, tests of various plant densities and reducing the seed sowing rates did not significantly reduce yields. This can be quite
significant in reducing the sowing costs.

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Utility and agricultural features
Type of variety
Earing date
Full maturity date
Plant height
92 cm
Winter hardiness
Resistance to lodging
6,5 medium
Soil requirements
Tolerance to soil acidity
44 g
Seed density (pcs per sq.m)
280-320 pcs
Disease resistance according to Coboru:
Snow mold
no data
Powdery mildew
8,1 very high
Stem base diseases
7 good
Brown rust
7,8 very high
Stripe rust
no data
7,8 very high
Leaf septoria
7,6 very high
Chaff septoria
7,8 high
Ear fusariosis
7,6 high
Grain quality parameters
Grain uniformity
Density of grain at bulk
76,8 kg/hl
Seed protein
Falling number
362 s
SDS sedimentation index
78 ml
Wet gluten amount