Special features of blue lupine Samba
- High protein content and yield.
- High and stable yield level – in 2019-2021, the seed yield was always above the reference (102% on average), even up to 32 dt/ha.
Other information
- A variety with a traditional branching growth type.
- White flowers and white seeds.
- Medium height plants, with a late flowering and ripening date and a medium TSW. Good lodging resistance before harvest.
- High nutritional value due to the high protein and fat content of the seeds.
- Does very well against diseases such as lupin fusarium wilt and anthracnose, especially at the pod ripening stage.
- High uniformity of ripening and non-cracking pods facilitate harvesting and offset yield losses.
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Utility and agricultural features
Type of variety
Flowers color
Plant height
59 cm
Resistance to lodging after
7,2 good
Seed protein
30,8% DM
Alkaloid content
0,027% DM
Crude fat content
6,7% DM
Uniformity of ripening
Soil requirements
142 g
Seed density (pcs per sq.m)
90-100 pcs
Disease resistance according to Coboru:
Fusarium wilt of lupines
7,4 very high
Anthracnose – pod formation
8,2 high
Anthracnose – pod ripening
7,9 high