Special features of blue lupine Rumba
- Highest resistance to anthracnose at both pod formation and pod ripening dates.
- High drought tolerance.
- One of the highest seed protein contents of any variety.
Other information
- Medium height plants with average flowering and maturity dates.
- White flowers and white seeds.
- Stable and high seed yield, up to 35 dt/ha.
- The variety is unaffected by delayed sowing date.
- High nutritional value due to one of the highest protein and fat contents and low crude fiber content.
- High level of disease resistance.
- Does well in organic farming.
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Utility and agricultural features
Type of variety
Flowers color
Plant height
61 cm
Resistance to lodging after
7,4 good
Seed protein
31,1% DM
Alkaloid content
0,025% DM
Crude fat content
7,1% DM
Crude fiber content
15,2% DM
Uniformity of ripening
Soil requirements
138 g
Seed density (pcs per sq.m)
90-100 pcs
Disease resistance according to Coboru:
Fusarium wilt of lupins
7 very high
Anthracnose – pod formation
8,6 very high
Anthracnose – pod ripening
8 very high