Winter wheat Ostoja

Show other variants Special features of winter wheat Ostoja Quality variety, with very low soil requirements, with very high tolerance to soil acidification – grows well on sites with lower pH. High tolerance to drought conditions. Semi-dwarfing gene – very high resistance to lodging. The grain is very robust, with the highest TGW and the […]

Winter wheat Iskra

Show other variants Special features of winter wheat Iskra Very high resistance to fungal diseases (genes for resistance to powdery mildew and brown rust). Rht8 semi-dwarfing gene – highest resistance to lodging at full maturity and milk maturity stages. Robust and uniform grain with high hectoliter weight. Other information Highly adaptable to different soil conditions […]

Winter rye Astranos F1

Show other variants Special features of winter rye Astranos Very high yield potential. Low plants, high lodging resistance. A hybrid variety of winter rye. Other information First place in the 2021 COBORU tests at levels a1: 114% and a2: 115% of the reference. Lowest plants among all varieties, with stiff straw and very high lodging resistance. […]