Products Spring Grains Spring barley Pazur
Pazur is a high yield variety. Over the five years of the experiments, the yield has remained above 100%. In 2019, during an exceptionally severe drought, it achieved a yield of 108% compared to the standard! In addition, its adaptability to different
climate and soil conditions ensures increased yields even under less favourable conditions. It is not recommended for sowing in soils with pH below 5.5. The Pazur variety has a high health profile.
Its resistance to powdery mildew is 8.0/9, to rhynchosporiosis 8.5/9, to blotching 8.1/9 and to barley rust 7.5/9. The plants are short – less than 75 cm. Pazur is one of the fodder varieties with a very high protein content in the grain. It has the lowest TGW among the varieties registered by PHR in 2024. This reduces the sowing costs. In an experiment with a sowing standard, the highest yield was obtained when sowing 300 grains per m2.
Special features of spring barley Pazur
- Excellent health profile.
- Low soil requirements.
- Short plants with high resistance to lodging.
Other information
- An excellent fodder variety with high protein content in grain, well above the pattern.
- The latest variety added to the National Register in Poland in 2023.
- Medium height plants, with stiff straw, resistant to lodging. Higher nitrogen fertilization does not affect lodging.
- A variety with medium soil requirements with fairly low tolerance to soil acidification.
- Late earing date and medium full maturity date.